Comparison between Spectacles and Google Glass

November 06, 2021

Comparison between Spectacles and Google Glass

There has been significant buzz surrounding wearable technology in recent years, and two of the most popular products in this space are Spectacles and Google Glass. Here, we will dive into what these products are in detail and compare their features and functionality.

What are Spectacles?

Spectacles are a unique type of glasses designed and produced by the company Snapchat. These glasses come with a built-in camera that can record videos and take pictures from a first-person perspective. Spectacles are available in different designs and colors, and they connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth.

Advantages of Spectacles

  • The video and picture quality is decent
  • The ability to take pictures and videos hands-free is convenient
  • Spectacles are designed to be stylish and can be used as a fashion accessory
  • The glasses are available in various colors and designs, allowing for customization
  • They are relatively affordable, with prices starting at around $130
  • Spectacles also have 4GB storage, enabling you to save up to 100 photos or 50 videos.

Disadvantages of Spectacles

  • Spectacles only work with the Snapchat app, so they are not very versatile
  • The quality of the camera could be improved
  • Spectacles only record videos up to 60 seconds long
  • Battery life is not great, with up to 70 minutes of recording time per charge

What is Google Glass?

Google Glass is a wearable smart device that was first introduced in 2013. It is a pair of eyeglasses with a heads-up display that projects information in front of the user's eyes. Google Glass runs on the Android operating system, and it connects to the internet via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Advantages of Google Glass

  • The heads-up display allows you to access information quickly and easily, without having to pick up your phone
  • Google Glass can be used for navigation, with directions appearing in your line of sight
  • The battery life is decent, with up to 45 minutes of video recording time per charge
  • Google Glass has a powerful processor that allows it to perform tasks quickly
  • The voice-activated interface allows for hands-free control
  • The camera quality is excellent, with an 8-megapixel sensor.

Disadvantages of Google Glass

  • Google Glass is expensive, with the initial price set at $1,500
  • It received criticism for privacy concerns, as people did not like the idea of being recorded without their consent
  • Google Glass was not fashionable and received negative feedback about how it looked.


Overall, Spectacles and Google Glass have their unique features and advantages. Spectacles are more affordable and designed to be stylish with different colors and designs. On the other hand, Google Glass is more expensive and has a powerful processor, an excellent camera, and the heads-up display. However, Google Glass received a lot of criticism around privacy concerns, and the design was not well-received by users.

Both glasses have their place in the market, depending on what you need them for. For capturing moments or social media campaigns, Spectacles may be the better choice. Meanwhile, Google Glass may be more suitable for professionals such as doctors or engineers looking to access information quickly or for navigating while driving.


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